Back in 2000 Ribbonwood became the first New Zealand harvesting company to achieve Tertiary accreditation in ACC Workplace Safety Management Practices (WSMP). The desire to be at the forefront of comprehensive and effective risk management is something it still retains across the entire group to this day.
Subsequent National Awards for training company of the year and the top prize at the New Zealand Workplace Health and Safety awards have underpinned our commitment in this space and we haven’t stopped leading the way with Health and Safety performance and initiatives, many of which have been imitated, adopted and applied industry wide.
As a consequence of building an exemplary Health and Safety culture and being asked to provide guidance industry wide, Ribbonwood has since established Linksafe, a fully independent Health and Safety business to service and foster practical H&S solutions in forestry, farming, construction and other related sectors.
We’ll give you down to earth, common-sense advice in order help meet your Health and Safety requirements under the Health and Safety Work Act 2015 in a simple language you can relate to and understand.